We expect you to acieve the results that you anticipate with our services. What our No Results Missed Pledge means to you.
Some technology providers think that their software is the solution, and some of their clients often wonder why, six months down the line, that their pain doesn't seem that much better. In fact, many of these clients often believe that they just traded one pain for another, plus it cost a good deal.
At InfoGrow we take a different approach. Technology for us is not where you start, but is a tool to get you where you want to go. Frankly no one cares what software is used to solve a problem. Rarely when we go into an organization that has attempted to fix a problem, is the software in use the issue. Think of it as if you are drilling a hole in a piece of wood. Is the tool you use to get the hole as important as the results expected of the hole? Of course not -- you want to achieve the value from having the hole.
What we have learned over the years is that we must know your business and your processes as well as you do. The absence of you having the ‘hole’ your desired state, means something. It has value. There is a cost associated when it is missing. We must fully understand what the causes of that condition are, how your processes work now, and how they should work in the future. If you went to your doctor with a mild chest pain and, without an exam, x-ray, or even asking you what you had to eat the day before, the doctor recommended open heart surgery – might you be a little concerned? So too, you should be concerned if a vendor leads with their software solution without a complete exam.
What we often find in our exams is that it is the processes and culture that are much larger issues than the technology. Far too often, without clarity or changes in those two areas, the technology has no chance of working as a tool to achieve the desire state. The solution requires understanding and planning for how the tool, software, will be used and phased into the organization.
There is no silver bullet, a quick fix, or a one-time event of just installing software and training users. Your business is a complex system, regardless of size. It must be fully understood so that technology can be selected and fit to your needs. You should not fit your business to the technology.
Our difference is that we always begin with, and are grounded in, knowing your business.
Read our full pledge to you, here.
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