How can you effectively help somebody, if you don’t truly know what it is they do in the first place?
I’m not sure that can be done, but many companies today seem to put out the message that they “know” what you need and how all your ills will be cured if only you purchase this product or that service. It’s a “one-size fits all” approach, if you will, but here’s the problem with the one-size; by trying to make it adaptable to almost everyone, it works perfectly for almost no one. Have you ever gotten a t-shirt at a concert or sporting event that was listed as a one-size fits all type? How did it fit? My experience has been that it ends up being way too big for smaller or medium size individuals and a little too snug for larger folks.
Now this isn’t to say that companies offering products that appeal to a wide array of customers don’t have merit. Just like the event T-shirt mentioned before, it had the musician or team you liked on it, it may have looked good from a visual stand point, it just didn’t fit right so it was rarely, if ever worn. In business, the bottom line is, some companies will offer software or services that may help you in a problem area; but unless they really get to know you and how your business operates these solutions will never allow you to reach your full potential or maximize your ROI. In fact, much like the T-shirt, they may cease to be used very much at all after the initial excitement period passes.
Here’s is where InfoGrow pledges to be different:
“We will always begin with knowing your business.”
That is the very first statement in the InfoGrow “No Results Missed” Pledge, and it’s first for the reasons alluded to above. Businesses are like complex ecosystems, and until they are fully understood, truly effective solutions cannot be recommended. We can only help you do things like optimize your sales territory and increase revenue, if we completely understand what your business is and how it functions on a daily basis. That way we can tailor our solutions to fit your company perfectly. Then, just like a t-shirt designed to fit you just right, you’ll want to use it all the time, maximizing your ROI and helping you reach goals.
For more information about how InfoGrow will work with you to understand all of your business needs, please click here.
Or you can take a look at InfoGrow’s full “No Results Missed Pledge”.
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